Cute photo you may say.
Yeah, only that girl beside me is cute.
This photo seem perfect.
However, its a photo of a broken friendship.
Pity? Nah, glad i should say.
Rather all these craps end quickly.
Than having me enduring the pain all by myself.
Does she cares? Nah, sad isn't it.
Imperfect, nothing turns out well do they?
Well, forget it.
What's over is over.
Holding back only cause more pain, more trouble.
Friends, what does it mean to you my dear?
Betrayal? Advantage?
Yeah, when you said your friend took you for granted, i pitied you.
Have you thought about it, aren't you just like your friend?
She hurt you, which gave you the permission to hurt me. Am i right?
Wow, speechless. You're somebody I never knew.
I'm somebody you never cared for.
I can admit that my attitude was bad at sometimes.
But you, I worried and cared. All you gave in return was your freaking attitude!
Let that be. Let us be strangers.
What Hi-Bye friends, not an inch closer.
I don't know you, I don't want to know you.
Simple as that.
Girl, live your life and stop ruining mine.
You've everything you wanted don't you?
Fare well.
Silently, i'll leave you.
Labels: a friend ; my girl.