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Solely me.


Bernicegoh; Ruldolph.
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Friday, November 28

no picture today D;
my blog, ZOMG,..
so dead..wellwell..
no time to post man !
everyday work then slack, sleep, & work again.
weehees, people.. im adapting to work in kfc.
well, work in there isn't really all about chickens & customers.
is more of how u blend in with th people ;D
if you blend in well, life in kfc will never be bored.
well, michelle & yifang is getting bored,.
cos they aint crazy as me when working ;D
COME ON, they have to be crazy..
okok, hot shot is nice !
then , nothing else.
life's boring.
i cant believe we're going back to school so soon.
damn it.
shall go now,..
bye peoples.
{&} MAYOnnaise.

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♥ Loves, 02:47

Wednesday, November 19

people.. i cant sleep.
currently chatting with kenny & adrian.
okay lets talk about work.
today, tio scolded by customer.
then i scold back. okay lah,..
not much a problem, not my fault anyway.
gabriel & friends came,
then miaoyuan & friends came ,
then bryan & friends.
hohos, hahas, hehes..
seriously miss basketball now!
but i cant play leh, work + im lousy !
anyway, after work..
richmond tongpang junkai on HIS bike.
i tongpang michelle on junkai's bike.
quite fun & cooling lurh.
michelle is th 2nd person i've tongpang on bike.
LUCKY lurh ;D
lols,. th day ended. quite okay lah.
just that th indian customer scold me for nothing .
RAWR, not my fault right.
stupid indian ! RAWR !.
hmms, who cares ;D
th end then ...
{&} MAYOnnaise.


♥ Loves, 04:59

Monday, November 17


hey people down there ;D
i think this blog will be dead real soon.
because of my busy schedules everyday,
and programs coming faster then expected.
i'll be working everyday this week except TODAY.
today is my day off, cos have to go back to school.
for a farewell party for ODAC sec 4s.
okay lah,..
th day was fine,..
good food, good games.
tadas, th day ended.
oh, now im waiting for that MICH`ELLE,
to phone me.
today she off but nowhere to go...
kelian. she must be really sad & missing her him so much.
hais, nvm...
shall end of this post.
i'll try my best to post as often as i can.
{&} MAYOnnaise.

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♥ Loves, 23:32

Saturday, November 15

{&} MAYOnnaise_
going off to work real soon,..
kfc playing hsm 3 songs recently,.. O.o
of cos is radio lah ;D
okok, got to go now. BYE !


♥ Loves, 09:27



th feelings i had,
i'll pen it down.
but this feelings would be carved in me.
till th daywe would never meet.
at first, you're nobody to me.
now, you're somebody.
someone important.
but looking at th dumb face of yours,
i know, you will never know how i feel.


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♥ Loves, 01:39


looking away doesn't mean i dont care you,
but is to let me have sometime to think about US.

ZOMG, hellos.
people, work again for th threesome.
hmms, cant recall what happened today man.
he, finally spoke.
he, finally smiled.
he, finally return to his usual self.
took a very long time to go back to himself leh.
stupid tortoise.
hmms, today yifang said alot "wrong" things loudly.
making some of th times awkward.
hais, nvm.. she's too used to working in kfc.
Miss Xiao, & Miss Chia has become,
Mrs Yeo & Mrs Jones.
hope they last longlong ;D
i love them toos.
oh yeah. saw zhi... idk how to spell.
sec 4 just finished Prom. so niceeee...
oh, today jingwen they all never work..
but they came to kfc.
brenica & jingwen wear till very nice.
then still have jeffrey, kelvin and idk who liao..
hmms, tomorrow working at 12 ;D
thanks to sebas. gotta go sleep lerh.
bye people ;D
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 00:59

Friday, November 14





♥ Loves, 01:20


people. today supposed to be a day off.
sort of "worked" then went to have cakes after that.
with michelle. bought her sec 3 texts.
then wnt to michelle's house.
then mine,..
then meet justin outside kfc.
gave him his present.
then he want to eat.
so went to eat at kfc.
chatted for very long.
jerron and friends came kfc toos.
then after awhile we left.
meet yifang at her block there.
thanks justin for bringing us there.
after that slack & met yifang's friend michelle.
went to yifang's house later.
ZOMG, i love her room D;
nvm, meet sebas with mich then went home.
tadas. today is tiring & mad.
oh, et fail his one star test. ZOMG,..
sebas & yangyang passes. Grats ;D
as for et, hmms. text him also never reply.
hope he can become better tomorrow at work.
he went home in th middle of work today. O.o
Ai , mayonnaise.


♥ Loves, 00:13

Thursday, November 13



“我会做到吗?”/ 不会
“我会那么容易忘记吗?”/ 不会
“我会放得下吗?”/ 不会
“我会不想他了吗?”/ 不会
“我会一眼都不看他吗?”/ 不会



♥ Loves, 00:04

Wednesday, November 12


today & tomorrow will be day offs for th three of us ;D
well, today is crazy.
me & yifang meet out. michelle couldn't.
cos she kena pull to her parents' shop to help.
wellwell, its left with me and yifang.
yifang is crazy th whole day mans.
hahas, somemore got some stupid things happened.
made me and yifang laugh like mad.
th photograph thingy, and many many more.
bought same short cardi with yifang @ fareast. $15.
we went to kfc to eat both lunch and dinner.
lunch is th new promotion ;D
dinner is meltz.
thanks to yunyun who help us make meltz, only cheese and sugar ;D
thats all for today.
post next time.
next pay is on 22nd ;D
oh, and i saw kenny & friends today ;D
bryan & jingjie they all at kfc ;D
end !
Ai , ber.

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♥ Loves, 22:49

Sure everythings fine Pictures, Images and Photos

people,.. kfc is so empty.
& people, stop coming at th wrong time !
kfc close at 10pm. hahas.
anw, work's fun. more laughter.
hmms, dumb things happen.
i shout one large popcorn. then i saw have le.
then a dumb person thought i need more.
then shouted "mayo , you come! how many popcorn you need ?!"
okay, this is dumb. im officially mayonnaise now.
im pepper mayo, jingwen's pepper chilli ;D
lols.. okok.
now this is for michelle ;D
michelle ;
even if u change a tiny little bit , your friends would see.
but i cant force you to change back to yourself.
just be who you are now.. k?
be happy, and last long with sebas ;D
i dowan you to fret over your personality.
overall , i will still love you ;D
just be , who you want to be ;D
Ai , ber.

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♥ Loves, 01:00

Tuesday, November 11


today is super bored.
im bored man !
super slack. tomorrow is th last day promo.
yeahyeah, that damn promotion super stupid.
pack so much then total so cheap. like wth ?
spicy thai and fiery bbq drumlets will be gone in no time.
new thingy will come, & with me inside *mayonnaise*.
today bryan visited kfc ;D
today nothing much happen larh.
just that , i walked into kfc then everybody give me that shock face.
then he 1st thing is, eh mayonnaise ! lols..
then yanyan ask me my name. she dunno how to pronounce.
LOLS, only et know. zzz..
hmms.. nothing much. ZOMG.
im bored. D;
th end .

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♥ Loves, 00:17

Monday, November 10


7th ;
hohos people,
its day off for me michelle yf sebas & junkai.
meet up with shannon at vivo & watched HSM 3.
pierced ear ;D 3rd piercing nia lah. not having more i just.
ate pasta mania today :D
oh, HSM 3 was good man ! no storyline but enjoyable lahs.
shannon thought that jk was et O.o.
oh, today is et's birthday. bought a cake for him.
then sebas went to kfc to give him.
happy 21st birthday ;D
oh, wow. he had a girlfriend in china ;D
not bad ehs ? he did enjoy th cake... ;D
th end of this fantastic day off.
sebas & michelle super sweet.
best wishes for them to last long ;D

8th ;
a saturday O.o
full time from 10am - 10.30pm.
oh wow ?!
nothing much happened.
only that my darn pay is coming late.
damn it.
today he wanted to drink my water.
ZOMG , i was shock ? so sudden.
zzz. moving on..

9th , today ;
i cried again. ZOMG.
he tap & rub my forehead ask me dont cry.
zzz , moving on again.
my float short $7 dollarr. wow, great.
thanks to yifang who helped my top th money 1st.
thanks to sebas & junhao & kelvin who helped me yesterday.
th end of today.
tadas. sorry to michelle.
maybe i make her angry D;

hey, you leave me a distance away can ?
Ai , ber.

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♥ Loves, 00:33

Friday, November 7


Yesterday :

hohos, people..
michelle off & its me and yifang working ;D
at work nothing much happened.
oh, today never tio deesiao.
but he, smiled at me leh. wth ?!
anli entao & kelvin at base.
then deesiao me and yifang th name.
after work , sebas meet us.
then treated me and yifang sundaes ;D
hehes, && kfc coconut pie nice ;D
th end !

Today :

work start at two for mich and four for me.
yifang off.
but in th end yifang wanted to come work.
so she come lurh. same time as me.
yifang dye hair lerh. quite nice.
i saw bryan , dion and yingtian today.
javier xinyi peiying gen visited me at kfc ;D
nicholas and steven also , and finally recognise me ;D
he smiled at me today again. ZOMG!
okay, today sebas give michelle a big stitch.
super sweet lurh. so good ;D
nvm, th end for today ;D

th smile meant something to me, nothing to you.

Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 00:29

Wednesday, November 5


let me explain things between me & that him.
michelle and yifang paired me with him,
1st : cos i paired them D;
2nd : cos they say he treat me better than them.
oh well, as time passes by.
its shows that he treat everyone th same.
see what i meant ?
yes, maybe i like him okay..
but not now.. cos i cant ?!
you see , everything's wrong.
i thought every long, whatever mich & sebas said today.
no, he dont treat me in a special way.
he want he also can like alot other people ah.
others that he still bother about and jokes with.
not me, no more me. im nothing okay ?
today my mum say mich & sebas.
then she ask where's my bf ?
why never bring & let her see ?
she say she let me have bf , but ask me choose wisely.
cos, she dowan to see me cry again.
she's th best mother on earth.
but , im tired of this.
seriously one sided aint good.
i'll give up if only i know how to.. D;
i miss your smile D;


♥ Loves, 00:27

Tuesday, November 4


hohos people.
today is my day off.
tomorrow would be michelle's,
& th day after would be yifang's.
then on friday all three of us will not be working ;D
today is a slacking day.
rot at home lurh.
went to meet mich and sebas at sculpture.
then meet mum at yoshinoya.
then went to bank, then starbucks ;D
oh saw clement, naqib and gen today at compass.
hmms, they walked pass entao larh ! wth ?!
okay, hmms. meet yifang & mich after their work.
then went home, yifang mrt-ed.
me and mich walk then mich bus-ed.
hmms, chat alot. & i thought about loads of stuffs.
th end lurh ;D
& slowly, i realised i missed him,
& slowly , i think i'll give up on him.
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 23:55


Today :
hohos people.
pos 4 for me today.
today , there's less noises.
cos, junhao left CMP outlet lerh.
how sad,..
today, i have alot injuries lah.
i also dint found out till i bathe lah.
about 6 ? ZOMG ;X oh jesus, what happen man ?!
today, is boring. nothing much to say.
just that between me yifang and mich is fun lurh.
crazy threesome. today super slack.
and we get to bring back food from kfc.
i brought home zinger, cheese fries & BBQ drumlets.
mich brought two meltz & cheese fries home.
yifang, idk leh ? cheese fries & idk..
okok, today ends here.

Yesterday :
hohos, my dinner was ;
abit of nasi lemak, one big cup of milk,
a sip of peach tea, a sweet.
weird combination yeah ?
today is th last day i can hear junhao calling my mayonnaise.
& joking about th two regular fries thingy lerh.
RME eople good lurh D;
today i cried ! ;X ZOMG.
thanks junhao for counselling.
whole day there's no laughter during work.
no fun, nobody really laughed.
only yanyan. she's forever smiling.
after work, more laughter.
oh , me and that him is impossible.
like what yf and mich sad.
he's twice my age now.
ZOMG, its useless..
nvm , next.
today, michelle also cried because of family matters.
me too larh.
then plus, alot guailan customers.
todaay is an overall, lousy day.
Entao, yf, yanyan, me, mich counter today.
only yanyan smiled..
mich sometimes, yf most th times.
me ; abit barh.
entao totally dint smile.
only after work then he finally smiled ,
cos junhao shouted mayonnaise come sign!
then he laughed lerh.
oh then i lrt-ed back.
th end ;D
i love domo & et th alien.
dont think wrongly ;D
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 00:23

Sunday, November 2

hohos, now is timed 1.43am.
its sunday lurh.
posting about work on saturday.
hohos, at pos 3.
busy ! its in th middle, super busy th.
nothing much happen.
just kept tio deesiao lurh.
ask for more mayonnaise in cheese fries,
entao ask me supply myself, rawr !
oh, today lend entao my specs.
he look like....teacher ?
hahas, oh... michelle today pos 1 yifang pos 5.
yifang bought cheese fries for $3.20.
then she found out nonid buy one. sobs. hahas.
michelle, quite of foul mood.
okay lah. today is neutral.
not exceptionally fun lurh.
that stupid entao say mayonnaise only worth 1dollar.
rawr~ dumbass.
oh my mum bought me a soft toy and a pencil case ;D
thanks, ily mummy!
shall end here,
Ai , ber.

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♥ Loves, 01:43

Saturday, November 1

hohos, now is 2.01am of saturday.
but im posting about yesterday , friday's work.
junhao gonna transfer to RME outlet.
aww man, will miss him. really..
he's th one who always make me happy when i frown.
he's th one who invented th dumb names.
he's th one who brought life to CMP kfc.
now he's leaving. nobody would bring such fun to us.
alan sir is ok but he dont joke.
anli is very good but strict.
tai sir, totally no link. i cant communicate with him.
nvm, today at work.
hmms. heavy head today. super giddy.
foul mood cos of headache.
then thought about alot things today.
oh, today meishi visited us at kfc.
and i kept rubbing my eyes cos i keep seeing two three things.
vision super blur and super headache.
then entao came give me tissue.
damn! he thought i cry ! nono i dint.
hahas. at th end of th day.
he still must say that i cry. dumbass.
after that walked home alone.
super sian, headache okay abit lah.
but thought about alot things.
somethings that sebas said but he meant nothing.
shall end here ;D
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 02:01