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Solely me.


Bernicegoh; Ruldolph.
6th April's my day
My boyfr : Click Here


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Go genting with friends.



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Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
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Thursday, October 30


Today :
no work ; weehee. so im here!
went out with yifang michelle junkai and sebas to yishun.
take contact lens.
then after that bus-ed back to compass.
slacked at second floor.
then sinyee came to take contact lens for jeanette.
then wow ?! bus-ed to hougang, michelle's house.
then bus-ed back compass in time for michelle's work.
meet jiangnan then slacked. omg super sian.
then slack till sian liao went home. so im here.
hahas. sebas and junkai still waiting for michelle to end work.
michelle will last long th ;D
sorry for leaving you out today D;
but me and yifang dint qwant to come in between you both.
im so sorry. pls dont feel left out.

Yesterday :

okay , work at kfc again ;D
hmms, today is a weird day.
feel weird , idk why.
customers super weird today.
confirm order already then last minute go cancel order.
super pekcek one leh.
hey, work th people also humans right ?
nvm , hmms cashiers all 14 and 15 years old th.
entao chenfei in cook,
kelvin and some aunties at base with jingwen.
nothing else.. oh, i 1st to count money.
so counted then when leaving th room.
entao wanted to take my $10 notes.
of cos he dint. ;D
after that, me and sebas did closing and topping up.
then yifang and michelle came and help ;D
th end ;D kfc is fun !
i wouldn't want to fall for you,
& th smile you flashed that day D;
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 21:32

Wednesday, October 29

hohos, people.
bernice is back here.
hmms.. congrats to michelle.
she finally found her true love.
okay yesterday, tuesday larh.
28 october ;D
okay lah, quite fun at work again.
super little people.
today is me and yifang's shift.
then mich's love keep deesiao me cos michelle never work.
if michelle work, i would be free from all that deesiao.
i tio counter 3, awww man.
then jerron and friends came.
followed by terrence and edmund.
then ben they all.. aww man.
stupid people.. i wonder why terrence and edmund needed salt O.o
okok, today was fairly fun.
th manager tai laugh at me sia !
i only sign my name MAYO, then he say "mayo?" ,
then he laughed. wth ?! very funny meh.
ohoh, ohmygod. MAYO is my name narh ;D
i admit to it lerh. so many people calling me that.
yesterday i shouted " one large popcorn.."
then entao shouted "large popcorn for MAYO!"
after that my customer heard and ask me "my popcorn got mayo ah?"
omg larh ! wthwth ?! stupid people !
nvm, then this indian man went to brenica's counter.
asking for family feast A , and he want EIGHT breast meat.
damn it, man also want eat breast meat.
then somemore he come last minute.
no more le lurh.
then after making a big fuss out of nothing.
he get two boxes of free drumlets.
what a scary singaporean man!
nvm.. kfc is still fun larh.
base cook cashiers all playing together larh.
oh still got, me mich yf jk and sebas walked to my house bus-stop.
im so left out D;
nvm larh, ahhas. i should be happy for th four of them ;D
its fun, 4 more days to work for this week.
end ;D
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 13:31

Tuesday, October 28


hohos all humans.
today was a fairly fun day.
happy working with everybody also.
base people was hilarious.
th malay guy, junhao, yanyan, auntie mary and entao.
today i shouted like a retard.
i went to th base, and shouted,
Where is my Z-I-N-G-E-R ? i spell out lah.
then auntie mary ask me what is that..
i felt retarded larh ! hahas. but it was funny.
today public hols.
super lot people. my queue finally short lerh,
then increase again. oh my god.
i decided! im going to sign my name MAYO!
cos junhao made that dumbass name for me,
and entao keep calling me that.
so, i dont care lerh, mayo then mayo lurh !
hahas, its fun at kfc lah.
shall end here lerh,
this whole week still have 5 days of work ;D
end here ;D
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 00:13

Monday, October 27


hohos, today is a happy day.
at kfc, was fun !
today something good happen ,
but i know i should not say.
today keep tio deesiao by some idiots,
named : junhao , entao, sebastian.
keep calling me names!
hmms, getting use to kfc so far ;D
quite tiring larh but fun.
and today customer scold me for nothing.
but who cares man ?
anyhow say things, wrong order then wrong lah.
say what i never hear.
end ;D
i'll working on
monday, tuesday, wednesday, friday, saturday, and sunday.
so many days.
end here ;D
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 00:23

Sunday, October 26


texting michelle at this time , 2.50am.
well, texting about nearly everything random.
then i recalled all happy moments we had.
good memories as we're friends.
bad memories as we're enemies.
then i realised.. actually there's no need for a stead.
since its hard to find , lazy to wait.
why not be single ?
you see, after work, theres friends with you.
so no need for stead to pick u up right ?
i know there's a difference.
but friends may stay with you forever.
stead a this age range 14 to 18.
th partner have a 90% chance it wont be your husband or wife.
so why bother hurting yourself ?
if your ex is willing to be friends with you,
thats good of cos.. but if not ?
you'll be suffering. so why stead ?
hahas.. im thinking on th bright side.
everybody should too.
listen to th song , HAPPY by natasha bedingfield.
its meaningful and useful ;D
end here. :)
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 02:49

alone Pictures, Images and Photos
Yesterday :
hohos people.
all three of us worked.
alot picky customers..
out of 6 cashiers, 5 were unhappy.
but job-ing mah, bopian must let customers.
then got one customers keep scolding junhao,
say "what dont mop th floor ,
its a long wkend and alot people walking around might fall."
wth larh ? then repeat many times lurh.
after that , me yf mich sebas and junkai went to B3.
we chatted lurh. then yifang proceeded home.
then i took lrt. at th platform,
something tragic happened..
something that made me ran out of th lrt platform.
dont say larh..
then i phone mich and went to kfc and find her.
chatted there with junhao.
then mich junkai and sebas decided to send me home.
in th end at my void deck chatted for hours.
then mich have to go home.
so, tralalas... th day ended ;D
we're now friends, Overnight ;D
lets continue th friendship as long as possible!
i treasure it alot. ;D
Today :
im not working.
but slacked at home, super sian.
then around 10.30 went to meet mich and yf.
then kelvin told me sebas went home cos he's sick.
Oh ? rest well ;D
then we went to rivervale mall to find junkai.
but he took hours to end work.
so we went home.
what a day ?!
im working tomorrow.
hope tomorrow would be a better day.
and today, yf cried.
ZOMG ! i not there with you mans!
but got michelle. ;D
be happy. and some customers, really do suck!
hey, we're humans okay!
end ;D
Ai, ber. ;D


♥ Loves, 01:29

Thursday, October 23

Use Your Brain Pictures, Images and Photos

hohos humans.
guess what ? i've gotten back my report book.
me and yifang have rotten luck lurh.
have to stay in north pole for another two years.
streamed into 3e6 with yifang.
seperated with michelle jn and meishi D;
but mich got into her dream class.
claps for her.
meishi is happy in her class.
claps for her too.
jiangnan, i'll seeriously miss u man !
claps for you for working hard bah ;D
okay okay,
people are weird nowadays.
always not talking about them ,
they MUST treat it as them.
then, when talking about them,
they act like not them.
bull shit lurh.
i guess people are too sensitive somedays.
i hate third party like everybody do.
i hate two-timers like michelle do.
who likes man ? but plenty of people are like this.
whats blogging?
some is advertising,
some is a daily info for ur friends,
some just blogging =.=
so why do spammers appear and make blogging fulgy.?
why do people have to spam like theres no tomorrow.?
guess they have nothing better to do.
or they are too sensitive ,
& spam people who they think are talking about them.
this is th reason why no tagboard is good.
of cos i would want one,
so my FRENS can tag me.
but because spammers appeared in life.
i think it would be a dirt to my blog.
so, yeah. spammers are not allowed.
can say i noob in blogging. cos i dont really know how to.
but spammers are nothing better.
most spammers th blog is fulgy lurh.
or they dont even blog.
clear everything now.!

working at kfc is fun ;D
me michelle and yifang is having a great time there.
and for our info only one person, en tao, has mastered all stations in kfc.
so nobody else knows cook, base and cashier.
great time at kfc. with friendly people.
girls ;
anli, jingwen, brenica, yangyang, yanyan, yunyun, aunty mary, ahma(jenny), lisa, aisah and many many more.
guys ;
junhao, sebastian, entao, richmond, kelvin, junkai and many else.
work there is fun , with interesting customers and weird people.
shall end here.
over-sensitive people; an advice. dont view my blog.

bernice ;D


♥ Loves, 19:10

Monday, October 20


hohos, sunday ;D
5th day lerh,..
get to take our own counter,
sometimes larh.
then ben they all came to deesiao.
after work, kfc had food from pizza hut.
nice ;D happy day at kfc.
then went home,.. tadas, end.

today ; went back to sku.
fine day afterall.
quarrelled over some stupid stuffs.
involve some regardless commenting.
hurting but without thinking.
i apologise for maybe saying stuffs u all dint like.
but pls, never say that i am just like *******.
i always wanted to blend in well with all of u.
but u all always talk about things like,
tattoo ; drinking ; piercing ; etc etc.
okay , i dont like all this stuffs.
after a little of commenting, then u all dont like.
i never say liao. i tried to be a good friend,
but i cant. i dont have ways to go near u all i know more.
all i get is further down. im trying.
dont push me further, please..
im trying my best already. but humans have emotions mah.
i dont know why i cried. so long never cry liao.
alone taking lrt , alone to work.
thats not what u promised to do.
lets just take that jiangnan have to go work at bugis.
meishi have to meet joshua.
michelle want to go home.
fine, like this, i wont have headache.
its like self-encouraging. but its useful.
Ai , ber. *alone, crying..


♥ Loves, 13:23

Sunday, October 19

yesterday :
hohos, 4th day at work.
had sundaes before work.
then we saw ms A, ms B and mr GL.
mr GL super ugly cancancan ?
then they 3 like crazy people,
mmm , actually they are just some people that doesn't have a job ,
but never mind , we should not let this type of people ,
spoil our mood ;D
(its still a wonderful day @ work ;)
anyway , if you think this refers to you , you tink tooooooooo much ;D
Back to me ;
work was fun today,
at th end of th day me mich and yf get to bring potato back home ;D
boss let us take home larh.
next week i will be working on mon, tues, wed and friday ;D
then sat to monday would be odac rites.
oh man , dont feel like going leh. i wan work.
oh, still got people say kfc uniform not enough cloth to make both sides same.
dont be dumb lah, pattern can ? stupid ;D

today :
at michelle house,.
then going meet yifang at M1 at four ;D
today gonna have own counter training.
shall suffer like michelle yesterday.
flying around th whole 6 counters.
hope today's customers would be friendly kind and understand.
and kfc dont have COKE ! no 7-up chilli also ;D thanks you!
shall end here ;D
Ai , ber.

Labels: ,

♥ Loves, 15:08

Saturday, October 18

Thursday :
hoho, 2nd day at work.
with yifang ;D
tired lah,..
peak hour super lot people.
today mainly doing packaging.
abit of counter when not that much people.
quite tired.
everyone at kfc are good ;D

Friday :
hoho, super tired.
3rd day at work.
mainly cashier even on peak hours.
thanks lisa for helping me pack ;D
today work with mich.
super fun also larh.
ben they all come deesiao me.
weijun they all came to deesiao mich.
kelian lurh.
okay larh, thats all lurh.
only that i saw bryan after work.
okay shall end here.
today starting my JOB! 1st three days is training ;D
next week starting own counter lerh.
wish me good luck.
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 09:33

Wednesday, October 15

today was a stupid but ended up good day.
1st, went to sku.
check papers.
awww, just passed history and english idk.
fail science by a mark man.
so sian.
then maths trail. stupid thing larh.
suck man.
yuckyuck , i dont like.
but after that , went compass with mich.
anyhow walked. then meet with yf & jn till 9.
now im home. laptop-ing.
nothing lerh, so tomorrow im working.
yeah, BLOG next time ;D
Ai , ber.


♥ Loves, 21:46

Tuesday, October 14

ohoh, my god.
im currently writing th kfc menu for,
yifang and mich.
andand, i forgot whats th price for premium coffee.!
aww man !
headache headache.
sort of miss yifang mich and meishi now.
miss without working with yf and mich.
miss meishi, cos just now hanging out.
i want go work man. whats th use using com at home.
so bored man.
i want work larh. why cant work everyday?
must 6 days. so sian ):
i wish, to work.
but thursday then can.
THURSDAY ! faster come bah.
Ai, ber.


♥ Loves, 18:37

Yesterday :
1st day at work was,
super happy and fun!
people there are,
friendly and funny !
learn alot alot things.
how to see th difference of,
breast , thigh, rib meats.
super fun there.
Zinger as lunch.
and photo-taking.
then closing then 10pm,
go home ! super fun.
Today :
went to sku, super sleepy.
played what kick-boxing stupid thing.
make me fall asleep plus michelle man.
so tired lurh.
then check paper.
D&T just pass, 27/50.
chinese just pass, P1 : 51/70, P2 : 45.5/70.
maths ;DD A1 ! total : 75/80.
maths is super surprising.
chinese is a total disappointment.
d&t is an expected result.
tomorrow is a worst day.
checking science, history, english.
tomorrow also going th maths trail.
super sian th. by that no respect teacher.
pon lah pon lah! if can then good :(
go play lurh. tomorrow and today no work.
thursday would be my second day at work.
next post then ;D
Ai, ber.


♥ Loves, 16:58

Monday, October 13

yesterday, went shopping with michelle.
yifang and meishi dint go cos..
yifang have family gathering,
dhen meishi have interview for long john silver.
meishi got th job and will be starting soon,
GOOD LUCK and congrats to you!
whereas, me michelle and yifang will be starting work TODAY!
at kfc from 5pm - 10pm.
yeahyeah, hope its happy working there.
yesterday shopping mah.
michelle bought a shorts, a top, a stitch keychain.
mememe, i bought, a domo KEYCHAIN! super cute.
again, i dint think twice before buying lurh.
now i crave for moremore domo stuffs.
like, handphone strap;
t- shirt; more keychain; plushies.
oh yah, yesterday also *laboured at michelle's father' shop.
super tired. went there at 1 plus left at 5.
thats all ;D


♥ Loves, 07:45

Saturday, October 11

today went shopping with my mum and aunt.
bought 4 tops, a long cardi, and my DOMO pouch ;D
Domo pouch super cute.
blogshop sell 22bucks,
i bought for $16.90.
im now trying to sell or trade my pooh things,
for domo items.
like keychains and plushies.
&& th best news,
i got my job ! ;D
finally get to earn my spendings :D
shall end here,
muacks! bernice love you.


♥ Loves, 20:12

boohoo !
happy 4th month to rks :D
time passes so quickly.
4th months since this clique formed.
idk how are they now,
should be going on well.
tadas, happy forth month people !


♥ Loves, 11:16

Friday, October 10

hey, you!
stop being a hypocrite lah.
say people dog when you yourself is a photocopier.
totally copy people like dog also what.
copy hair, copy walking pattern.
walk like penguin, super ugly can?
stop calling people dog lah.
you like people call you dog mah ?
after so many things that happened,
you still dont change yout fcuk attitude.
whats your problem lah.
follow other peoplecall other people dog.
aint you th pot calling th kettle black,
tortoise calling turtle slow poke.?
use your brain lah.
stop saying what "see your contacts so ugly."
haiyo, you wear specs larh!
you also pajiao okay,
so dont deny and wear specs lah.
stop being a hypocrite can anot ?
grow up lah faker.
if anybody reads this and feel offended,
means you're guilty as i dint mention any names.
i shout what i like.
but i dont spout nonsense but facts.
get it into your head and senses lah.


♥ Loves, 20:30

exams over lurh,
yeah! but did very badly leh.
recently mugging has made me mad (:
now im normal and FREE!
and meyifang and michelle took th form for kfc :)
trying to ask meishi go with us toos.
hope she can.
well , photos well be editted and uploaded to gallery.
visit people :D
and im in love with DOMODOMO!


♥ Loves, 19:45

Saturday, October 4

hey , i'm restricted from computer you see.
hahas. so yah, will blog more often.
hahas. so for more pictures go to my gallery.
i'll miss you all. i'll be right back :D


♥ Loves, 23:07

Friday, October 3

a hard long way i've to walk,
but trust me..
i wont let YOU see me fall.
even if th love from you never exist,
i wouldn't want your tears,
comfort or pity.
no , i dont hate you.
yes , i love you.
but never in my life ,
i would want to see you.


♥ Loves, 20:24

heyhey people exams now yeah.
good luck to everyone :D
jiayou jiayou for EOY ah !
i shall post on other days when exams are over.
NOW , go down to th next post.
dhen you'll see a handsome face :P

P.S: 其实我还爱你。


♥ Loves, 19:50

okay people , my blog seems dead.
let me show u this handsome guy :D
he's BARON chen chu he acting as dylan in a show ,
命中注定我爱你。 super nice.
for more of his photo ,
go to my gallery at www.sweet-mylove.blogspot.com


♥ Loves, 19:33